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Floyd Red Crow Westerman Tribute

on February 2, 2009 No comments

by Keith Secola

We came together to honor and remember, Floyd Red Crow Westerman.

It was November 13, 2008, in San Francisco at the Palace of Fine Arts during the American Indian Film Festival.

The concert was all about Floyd, his music, friends, how he lived his life and how he inspirited others to live theirs.


Bonnie Raitt – Angel from Montgomery (with Keith Secola)

Filmed by Carlisle Antonio

The evening was magical, the Frybread sisters wore flowers in their hair, Javelinas Jammed, Jack Rambled, Bonnie Prayed, John drummed, Jennifer danced, Jeremy Drove, Charlie laughed, Katari cried, Max crooned, Dennis appeared, Michael Spears, Pete Sears, Melanie Stormm, Rosie Spoke, Floyd’s Carla, Quiet Shea, Loud Micki, Mike Smith, rock and rock, the boys in the band: Jimmy V, SevV’s, Chad the Man-dolin, Roberto.  Floyd’s handpicked misfits. In the distance, seals barked, and heels walked to parked cars near the Wharf with graffiti saying, “honor an artist by singing their songs.”  We did that night, 18 songs in a 7 song set on 11/13/08.


Michael Spears @ AIFI – Honor Song

Filmed by Carlisle Antonio

1936 – 2007

Thanks Floyd.

Keith Secola …………… Missionary/ Music Director/guitar
Bonnie Raitt ……………. Angel from Montgomery
Jack Elliot ………………. Don’t think twice/ SF Blues
John Densmore ………. Spoken Word/Riders on the Storm (Band)
Pete Sears ……………… Piano/Accordion (Band)
Chad Watson ………….. Mandolin/guitar/ Johnny Cash melody
Jennifer Kriesberg …… They didn’t Listen/BIA Chant
Max Gail ………………… Song to Floyd
Charlie Hill ……………… MC/ harmonica/Custer Died for your Sins
Shea Keck ……………… Quiet Desperation
Micki Free ………………. Guitar/ Quiet Desperation, Band
Melanie Stormm ………. Custer Died for your Sins/NDN Kars
Jimmy Vickers …………. Bass/band organizer
Robert Scott …………….. Drums
James Severino ……….. Guitar/Vocals/merchandise
Michael Spears ………… Honor Song
Dennis Banks …………… Honor Song
Jeremy Goodfeathers …. 35 Miles

SAN FRANCISCO PEACE MARCH (2003) – Wavy Gravy, Bonnie Raitt, Max Gail, Floyd Westerman © by Chet Helms

Source: © Copyright Keith Secola
More info:
Floyd Red Crow Westerman
Pete Sears
Remembering Floyd Red Crow Westerman (1936-2007)

The AIM conference at Many Point – with Floyd Westerman, Bonnie Raitt and John Trudell © Dutch Knutson

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